This Are Tokenized Ikọbọ NFTS on BSC Chain Trading on
E-talk Ikọbọ Marketplace

IETK investment assets that harvest ikọbọ every hour
Are you sure you want to destroy this item forever?
Mint more items
Confirm the number of new items to mint
Are you sure you want to transfer the ownership of this Item to another account?
Are you sure you want to put your NFTs up for sale?
This is the total price of the item
The marketplace may charge commission.
This is the wallet where you will receive funds.
This is the total amount of items you want to sell.
Are you sure you want to buy the items?
Unit Price
This is the total amount of items you want to buy.
This is the amount of NFT units to buy
The total to pay will be the price multiplied by the quantity
This is the unit price you are going to pay
This is the amount of NFT units to buy
The total to pay will be the price multiplied by the quantity
This is the unit price you are going to pay
Are you sure you want to mint the items?
Unit Price
This is the total amount of items you want to buy.
Accept Bid
Are you sure you want to sell the items?
This is the total amount of items you want to sell.
Unit Price
Make an Offer
Are you sure you want to make an offer to buy?
This is the amount of items you want to buy.
Unit Price
This is the amount of NFT units to buy
The total to pay will be the price multiplied by the quantity
This is the unit price you are going to pay
Are you sure you want to put your NFT up for auction?
This is the minimum price you are willing to accept for your NFT
The marketplace may charge commission.
This is the end date of your auction. It will be at midnight GMT time.
This action is irreversible, and once you put your item up for auction, it will be blocked from being transferred or sold until the auction ends
This is the wallet where you will receive funds.